Home » Young Professionals
Young Professionals
Other Activities
The young professional group also organize special activities from time to time. These include hiking excursions, book clubs, and various volunteering activities.
If these interest you contact us to get more information or check the upcoming events to see what we’re planning.

Assisting Young Adults Prepare for the Responsibilities of Family Life
Ernescliff College also runs activities for its alumni and other working men. These activities help these young men to develop friendships with other like-minded individuals who are not only interested in excelling professionally but also understand the importance of developing a balanced life dedicated to their families and the service of society.
To learn more about our young professional activities or to be added to our mailing list, send us a note to ernescliffyp@gmail.com
Schedule of Activities
Young professionals generally meet at Ernescliff every Tuesday, from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. The general schedule of activities are as follows:
Every Tuesday
6:30 pm –8:00 pm
These evenings provide the young professionals an opportunity to reflect on their spiritual life and also meet and socialize with other young men who share similar values. Every few months, a special guest speaker is also organized, a professional who shares their views on professional life and helps the young men expand their knowledge and culture.
Evening’s Schedule
6:30 pm:
Meditation (Guided Prayer with Ernescliff’s Chaplain) or a Class on Christian Formation.
7:00 pm:
Social get-together/guest speaker
8:00 pm:
Activities. Some opt to go out together for supper.
Every Wednesday after the second Sunday of each month
7:30 pm –9:45 pm
Nights of recollection provide a moment of respite during the month that allows for deep reflection through guided prayer led by Ernescliff’s chaplain. There is also an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
A yearly silent retreat is organized specifically for young professionals every November. These 3-days provide for an opportunity reflect on the year that has passed, examine one’s spiritual and personal life, and to form resolutions for the upcoming year.